Eynsford Concert Band raises over £5,000 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association


Charitable fundraising has been undertaken by Eynsford Concert Band for many years, and has enabled us to donate substantial amounts to many good causes.  It is traditional for us to choose charities that are dear to a member or members of the band.  

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is one such case. Vivienne Astall (Clarinet) lost her Father to the disease in 2015 and Stephen Aitken (Bass Trombone and Deputy Musical Director) recently learned that Michael, his brother, had been diagnosed with MND. 

“Once the family came to terms with the news”, Stephen said, “It was a great relief to find that the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) was available, offering dedicated support and care, and specialist advice.  It felt important to me that I tried to give something back and was therefore thrilled that my friends in the Band were happy to join me in supporting the MNDA as their chosen charity for 2019.”

Raising funds for this worthwhile charity, we held a very successful Quiz Night, a very enjoyable Garden Party and a rewarding charity walk, taking in the breath-taking views in the mountains of Austria, not to mention the sale of beautiful home grown tomatoes grown by Charlie, our double bass player.  

It is with great sadness that, at the beginning of December 2019, we heard that Michael had lost his fight with MND. 

We give our heartfelt thanks to all who have donated so generously during our events and concerts this year and we are proud to announce that we have raised £5,065 for this worthwhile cause.

The following Just Giving page will remain open until end of January 2020 for those who would still like to make a contribution:

Our Just Giving page for the Motor Neurone Disease Association

Thank you again for your very generous support!