Breaking out of Lockdown


The band have been unable to rehearse together for nearly six months now.

However, you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve been keeping ourselves connected most Tuesday evenings and, more recently, working on a project at home to keep us musically active and ready to ‘escape lockdown’.

So we’re pleased to present a lockdown recording of the theme to
‘The Great Escape’

Each member of the band recorded their individual part at home on their smartphone and the great Pete Ringrose has pulled it all together. The result, we think, is a pretty impressive performance.

To make you (and us) smile, we’ve enhanced our recording with some (self filmed) video, all edited by the great Dave Walker.

There’s a lot of us in it (including a celebrity cameo from a friend of the band), so turn the volume up, watch to the end (maybe several times!) and see if you can spot someone you know.

We hope to be able to perform live to you soon but in the meantime, we hope you enjoy this piece of fun.

As they say in the film.. ‘Good Luck!’